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Ajman University

AUIC had inaugurated in October 2016 and Dr. Chuloh Jung had become the new director of Ajman University Innovation Center (AUIC) in September 2017.  AUIC had new start with ambitious goal, “to become a leading university innovation center in MENA region”. To achieve this goal, director had set up 4 implementation strategies: 1) Dynamic Identity, 2) Catalyst Platform, 3) innovative Incubation, and 4) Consilience. He had emailed Korean President for help and President Mr. Moon, Jaein had led AUIC to Korean government-driven innovation centers.       
After having an executive training from GCCEI in Korea, AUIC adopted Korean Innovation Center model to systemize the routine works and became productive with the help of Korean government-driven innovation centers and hardware accelerators, and science parks. AUIC system is 1) Idea Competition to scan and recruit startups bi-annually, 2) Monthly workshops to prepare and augment their business plan and prototypes, 3) Demo Day to invite government funds and private funds and make our startup debut to UAE entrepreneurship ecosystem.
AUIC usually has approx. 150 applicants per year for AUIC Idea Competition and carefully selected approx. 20-30 winners (business ventures) with proper evaluation system. For Demo Day, AUIC presented 20-30 startup winners to the UAE entrepreneurship ecosystem per year and 1-2 got funded successfully from angel investors. AUIC had incubated total 96 startups (2016: 26, 2017: 9, 2018: 19, 2019: 20, 2020: 22)
The most powerful advantage of AUIC, compared to any innovation centers in UAE, is our mentorships and international partnerships as key partners and allies. AUIC is maintaining 20 external mentors and 20 internal mentors every year. External mentors are either well-known figures in UAE entrepreneurship ecosystem or decision-makers in government agencies. Internal mentors are well-spread in Ajman University to facilitate AUIC’s major events.
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