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GEMS Modern Academy

Business Incubator - Gems Modern Academy Schools

GEMS Modern Academy School became the first Certified Business Incubator in schools to support innovative ideas of students in November 2019. This incubator was launched to enhance the concept of entrepreneurship among school students.
The school runs a curriculum linked entrepreneurial programs such as Challenge Based Learning for Middle School, Entrepreneurship Innovation Program and Project Prism. These programs are designed to develop student’s problem solving and critical thinking skills.
Apart from this the school has a Negotium, Social Entrepreneurship Movement to help students find and solve local and global problems that help the community by solving problems that matter.
The business incubator provides space for students’ innovative laboratories equipped with exponential technologies, as well as provide mentoring services, connect them with industry experts to take their product to the next level.
School also run year-round programs that are in inter-school format to help other school in Dubai as well. The school is also offering mentoring sessions for its students to work with Dubai Next for crowdfunding their projects. The schools have a rich history of participation in “Young Entrepreneurs competition” and best projects from the internal school initiatives are selected for YEC.

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